Not to take away from Dnj's post, but I'm looking to buy a used EC-5, in case anyone has one to sell.
And still setting up my PA4X (thanks Frank!), but the whole keyboard sets thing has me somewhat confused, coming from performances on the PA3X.
Is there any way to have the keyboard set not change the left/backing sound and that volume (guess that would be similar to Yamaha's freeze functionality), or to not save that with the keyboard set to begin with?
Or does it always include settings for all the sounds and parts?
I have a bunch of performances that I'm moving over from my 3X, and they all have the left sound and volume set...
Also (sorry for throwing all this in one place), I'm trying to sell my PA3X once I finish migrating everything.
I have someone interested in buying it, just trying to get a sense of what the used PA3X's are currently going for.
Anyone know?
Thanks a lot!
Edited by ytlevine (08/10/17 01:21 PM)