DonM reading the post from Sparky below he quotes you as giving me credit for the adaware software. I think you made an error here. I have not yet looked into it and have not discussed it with anyone. I hope you will correct the error and thank you.
Sparky, Chill out dude, the world isn't ending. We like having you here, respect your knowledge and appreciate your posts, and your music. Stay with us. The thank you's are few and far between, (I know about this), but when they come to you they make it all worth while.
I will be downloading that program when I have enought time to do it and I THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR SONGS IN THE 20-4-1 PROJECT. I THANK YOU FOR HELPING WITH MY WEB PAGE.
I also highly reccomend you go take a look at Sparky's website, It is one of the best I have been to in a long time.
How about it everybody won't take a minute to post a thank you for Sparky right under mine
OK, SParky if you haven't cooled down by now. I will get in my email and get 200 more thank you's mailed to you.
Best to you buddy and THANK YOU