But not everyone knows how to turn a link into a video...
If you're reading the post, it's pretty simple; just click on it. Also, I don't think Dave's post was meant to have folks start choosing sides ("I agree with ......"). The main point is, it's very annoying (to the OP) to constantly have someone grab YOUR post and RE-present it in a way that THEY deem better. It's like saying, 'this is the way it SHOULD have been posted'. The fact is, unsolicited, unwanted, and (in most cases) unNEEDED, help is not only annoying but can sometimes even change the tenure or direction ('gone south') of a post.
And YES, I truly do believe that Donny MEANS well, but sometimes his perception of 'helping' may not be the same as the OP's. I say, just leave someone else's post alone; if they want help they'll ask for it. JMO.