Thanks for sharing this picture!
This absolutely is the real Genos, no doubt about it. It is 100% consistent with the first teaser. The sliders in the teaser are on the left of the display, just as this picture. It only seems to be on the right in the teaser, but that's because the hands make it look like this.
This picture is promotion material. It's a perfect cut of two pictures: left in the home studio, right the live stage. Aimed at young(er) customers.
As others have noted too, this design does NOT allow for a 61 key version. This is odd, and will stir up quite some controversy, but it is consistent with a rumour of a month ago, that said there would only be a 76 key version. I believe at this point that the electronic boards are too big to fit in a 61 key version housing. In three to four years from now, the Genos 2 will come again in both 61 and 76 key versions, because Yamaha will use the years to shrink the boards. The 61 key version at several dealer sites are just assumptions on their part.
The pitch bend and modulation wheels have disappeared and have been replaced by a joystick, combining the two wheels. This potentially could also offer a movement to the front of the instrument, not just towards the back. Looks like the Korg joystick.
Above the pitch bend/modulation joystick are three buttons, possibly super articulation buttons.
The blue/red square buttons have black sides, just as the buttons on the Montage have. The groups of lights are recessed, like they lay in an undeep basin. Keeps the radiant light a bit contained and looks more professional.
The six turnable knobs have a marking on top, so they are regular buttons, not encoders.
Above these six knobs is a display showing the values of the nine sliders. They don't show a graphical bar or something, just the numbers.
There seem to be two song/audio players with a slider between them. They share the same buttons.
The tempo and transpose buttons are directly above the style variation buttons.
Some things I don't understand yet because the pictures resolution is not high enough to see it clearly:
- Where are the ocatve up and down buttons?
- What does the display show?
- What is that group of six white buttons to the right of the data entry wheel?
- How do you select sounds and styles?
- Why is the style control buttons group pushed so far to the left? It's farther to the left than the Tyros 5. There's no need for that, since the panel has room to shift the style controls to the right...