Walter, who resides in Argentina, and plays a PSR-670 just posted this song to one of the forums I am privileged to me a member of.
The song, is called Legend, and some of our younger members may know it.
Legend Walter is a creative genus with an arranger keyboard. He said
"The style used is free style created by me and the instruments are, sweet flute, hornen, french horns, pizzcato, octave strings, tremolo strings, slow strings, vox, ahh choir.
Recorded on eight channels and Eq on sony vegas pro 13."[i][/i]
This is a good example of what can be done using nothing more than an arranger keyboard and taking the time to learn all there is to know about it's sounds and incredible features.
All the best,
PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!
K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)