For the "Standard" MP3s, all you are able to do is change the key up or down 1-2 steps. For me, the additional $1 to get the Custom Track is well worth the investment - you are able to change the volume levels on every track, silence any tracks you don't want included in the mix, and keep backing vocals if desired or eliminate any leads you want.... the KV site only allows you to transpose the tracks one or 2 steps in either direction, so when I need more of a key change, I use "Slow-Downer" which allows me to transpose the tracks to just about any key I want.
Another major benefit of Custom Tracks is being able to remix and re-download as many times as you want...for example, if there's a guitar part that you only want in your mix 1/3 of the time, you can download the guitar part by itself (along with the whole song with the guitar part muted) and then create your own mix using a program like Mixcraft Pro Audio which is what I use to manipulate tracks....
Edited by saxxman (01/11/18 10:45 AM)
PA4X, SX900 (Baby Genos), Roland U-20, L1 Compact, Way 2 Many Saxes
"My computer beats me routinely at chess - but it's NO MATCH for me at kick boxing!"