It sounds like you are pretty happy about replacing the Tyros 4 with the Genos. Is there anything about the Genos that isn't an improvement on the Tyros 4? Is the keyboard action just as good?
Hi Nigel,
The jump from Tyros4 to Genos is huge
Lots and lots of improvements.
The sound is crystal clear like HD.
Everything sounds so vibrant and alive.
Those new Revo drums are just amazing. So realistic and dynamic.
I revoiced all my old styles. Wow what a difference.
I love having lots of insert effects.
This is really making a difference for guitar tracks in the styles, since I play a lot of Rock/Pop.
Lots of new styles and sounds. Everything sounds great.
Style assembly is a breeze now. Soooo easy and fast.
I can make a new style in seconds.
Love the big touch screen. The layout is very intuitive.
Great to have so many assignable knobs and sliders.
Haven't found anything bad about it yet
Key action is about the same or slightly better. Very responsive. Great for playing SA and SA2 voices.
You are welcome to swing by my house any time to play it or listen to it.
It sounds live a lot better than any YouTube video.
Please give my best to Kerry