The file being loaded may have panel memory set in Normal Mode instead of Extended Mode.
The Current Memory file maybe effecting the settings of split point and APC types.
Having Panel Memory protection set to ON, means no changes will take place. EX: If Split Point is already set to OFF and a file being loaded has it set to ON, the end result would be Split Point is going to stay OFF, because it is being protected. It will keep it's original setting.
When the protection is set to OFF, means it will change according to the load. EX: If Split Point is already set to OFF, and a file being loaded has it set to ON, the end result would be Split Point is going to change to ON, because it is not being protected. It will change according to the loaded file setting.
Since the PR804 doesn't have a SD Card and you may already know and done the above then it might be something in the SD Card function that I'm not aware of.
[This message has been edited by AnthonyCian (edited 03-20-2004).]