A long-time friend, Jay Flippin, the director of music at Morehead State University played his last two jobs the week he died of cancer.
We did thousands of sessions together. He played with national touring acts, was the music director of the local philharmonic, directed a big church music program and had an active training/performing program at the school which consisted of anything from a single to a 16 piece orchestra.
He lived and died as he wished and enriched thousands of lives in the process.
At 73, I have no plans to quit or slow down. I play 100 hours a month in the public (a country club), 90 hours in sessions, 4 two week trips overseas annually, and one nighters with the philharmonic (several, actually)and a big band.
Sessions for my own business films sort of put my "brand" on them.
That's what keeps me going.