I'm an Atheist but love certain types of Gospel music. Some 'contemporary gospel' but mostly, what would be categorized as "Negro Spirituals" and performed by Gospel choirs in predominately Black churches and colleges. However, some very good music of this type can be found in both 'tent revivals' and mega-churches. Regarding the latter, I won't go into what I think about the motives are behind these billion dollar 'empires', only that they DO tend to produce some great music.
I tend to like the more soulful spirituals such as 'Motherless Child', Go Down Moses, Wade in the Water, Steal Away, etc. I'm acutely aware of the pain, hardship, and suffering from which these songs emerged, as they reflect the story of many of my ancestors. I like them for the same reasons that I like the blues, because they touch emotions in a very special way. I don't care who performs them as long as they are done with feeling and passion (The recent posting by Torch of Jason Crabb was excellent - that guy has some serious soul

So Mark, hope your 'inquiring mind' was able to glean something about MY perspective.