I agree Bachus. I also concur with most of what is said about the PA1000 here but, and this will be butter and bread to our friend Donny, I still think that OOTB it does not really shine. I am under the impression that although dealers had a hard time getting their hands on a few, they do not seem to be in great demand for the time being, at least not here in Holland. But bearing in mind for instance the PA800 and my own Resources which I only created in 2012 there is still a long and rewarding way to go. As they say in Italy " Rome non fu fatto in una giornata " and that defintely goes for the new Korg PA1000. Hence the hazardous and demanding task I have set myself, endeavouring to create JS Resources for the PA1000 and given time and a bit of health I will persevere. Nevertheless I am always astonished to see how these new arrangers are marketed OOTB.......As Donny says you really have to make it your own and that takes time and perseverance. For about half the price of the Korg PA4X (plus speakerbar) imho you get a lot of good stuff and besides I am in no doubt that considering its construction there will be several worthwhile firmware updates as happened with the PA4X. And as many have remarked overhere on SZ there is no point in waiting for yet another generation of top of the range keyboards as I am convinced the PA5X won't be in anyone's room until 2020......