Hi Merril
I have about 1,000 lead sheets scanned from various fakebooks.I used a Visioneer One Touch that has Paperport software bundled with the unit. Paperport is good for organizing the scans. In my case, I put them into folders,like Big Band,30's,etc. I t also has an excellent search utility that brings up any tune by name. One can easily drag and drop folder and tunes to sets very easily.
The downside to that method is page scrolling,and turning for bigger scores.You can scroll using "pg down",but it is not hands free,if you are in the midst of a performance.
Another method I use is MidiNotate,which is the best transcrition software for the money,I've seen.http://www.notation.com/midinotatedownload.htm
I use this for all midi's with great looking scores that highlights the notes as it plays,and you never need to turn a page.
I mute the parts that I play,but it still shows any part or parts you want.
I have started a new method using MidiNotate.I record a song on the kn7000 with easy record. I then save it to midi on a floppy,put it in the laptop and VOILA,you have your own score ,as above. You just play it without sound,and do everything on the kb as usual.
Scott Yee has his stand alone Freehand tablet,that is excellent,also,but a bit pricey.
I hope that helps. If you need more info,don't hesitate.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact