Hi Alan,
Your memory serves you correctly
It can be done by using the Composer facility.
Make sure that the 'APC/Sequencer Volume' slider is set to maximum.
First, you need to copy the Scottish Reel style to Composer :
1. Select the style - Latin&World > Scottish Reel
2. Press Program Menus > Composer > Pattern Copy.
3. In the 'FROM' box, check that 'Scottish Reel' is selected and 'Pattern' is set to 'ALL'
4.In the 'TO' box, select Memory A and set 'Pattern' to 'ALL'
5. Press 'OK' - this will copy the style to Composer A
6. Press 'EXIT' once and select 'RECORDING MEMORY' A
7. Select the Variation which you wish to edit, using the lower buttons - the Red Box indicates the selected variation.
8. Press OK and then press 'DR1' - the selected Variation will then start to play. You can stop/start the style playing at any time during editing, by using the 'START/STOP' button ( What Else?
9. While the style is playing, press 'PART SETTING' - all the individual components of the selected style variation will now be displayed on the screen.
10. In the fifth column, you will see the volume balance figures for each component ; 0 is maximum and -127 is minimum (Off)
11. The current preset value for DR1 in this style is -11. You can try increasing this value to 0 and see if that suits your purpose. However, this may not be sufficient since this is only a relatively small increase. There are other alternatives...
12. Try decreasing the volume balance of the other parts in the style variation - for example : Bass -35, Accomp1 -50, Accomp2 -50, Accomp3 -50, Accomp4 -50 and set DR1 to 0. This will effectively make the DR1 component louder, relative to the other parts. You can then increase the overall style volume of the KN7000, using the Main Volume control, to compensate for the reduced Bass and Accompaniment parts. You may have to adjust your Left, RT1 and RT2 balance, when you return to the normal play set-up. If you use more than one variation, then you will have to edit the Volume balance levels in all the variations used in your performance.
13. You could also experiment with different drum kits to try to obtain the effect you require. When the 'PART SETTING' screen is visible, place the Red cursor rectangle over DRUM1 and start the style playing.
14. Press the 'DRUM KITS' button in the 'SOUND GROUP' and then press 'DISPLAY HOLD'. You can then work your way through the available kits. Some will be completely inappropriate !!
15. If all else fails, there is another method by which you can increase the sounds made by the selected drum kit, but it is a bit laborious. It involves increasing the velocity value of each drum event, throughout each of the the style variations. I won't post this option here at present, unless you request me to do so.
16. When you have edited all the necessary variations, don't forget to save the new set-up.
17. Press PROGRAM MENUS > SD LOAD > SAVE > TECHNICS FORMAT > Page 2 and make sure that as a minimum, 'COMPOSER' is selected.
18. Page 1 > SONG NAMING > (Appropriate name) > SAVE.
You can now use the edited style, more or less, as if it was a built-in style and select and save the variations within Panel Memory as normal. If you find during playing, that the balance within the components of the edited style, is not quite as you would like, then you can carry out adjustments just using the balance sliders, for the Accompaniment parts, in the 'Home' Screen.