As I understand it, this demo was recorded by Kraft Music, and Yamaha made a similar demo for their YouTube channel with the same guy in the same shirt.
It is a decent demo, but I have an impression that the player is a bit uncomfortable, trying to play not making mistakes rather than to play passionately.
I feel that Yamaha still underestimates the importance of good online promotion, although they are more active in this aspect than others companies. With Genos they decided to shot some interviews with some musicians whose “honest” opinions are supposed to be influential.
So far I haven’t seen a proper video presentation of Genos by Peter Baartmans – there’re some videos not in English which look more like unofficial recordings.
It’s weird, because usually companies spend tons of money to promote their products, artists, songs, etc., but when it comes to keyboards it looks like “ah, well, here is one thousand dollar, spend this money wisely”.
My opinion is that you do not just play something with no mistakes if you are to present a keyboard to the whole internet; you use this time to show something really beautiful and passionate. But it’s not up to the player, it’s up to those who should support the player to do so, and I speculate that there’s just a pressure like “well, lights are set, camera’s ready, we have one hour, play something” and the player does his best.
In my opinion, they just do not use the whole potential which music can provide to make a deep impression of a product.