I have heard keyboards called by other names. Mostly adjectives, I must admit. Some of these names tend to trigger rather unexpected reactions. Not too long ago I called my board by another name. Actually, while I was hunting for just the right one, Ruthie showed up with a bar of soap in hand and offered to cleanse the inside of my mouth. My little Ruthie, we always try to meet each others needs, how nice. Now that I have contributed something of no real value it’s nice to see Unc back parceling a few words for our understanding to digest. Dave, speaking of changing names, I remember somebody suggesting a name change for you. From artist to ......... Oh well! What it is is what it is and will always be what it is. Like a guy of some renown two thousand years ago, and is to this very day, said, ‘You will know them by their fruits’. A keyboard is a board with keys to do what it does. An artist is a man who has developed his skill to the level of an art form, a thing of beauty. Like this, man above men, said, ‘You will know them by their fruits”. In other words, what they produce. I have heard some of your work and indeed you have developed it into an art, your art. My art? Who cares? Ruthie suggests adding a ‘f’ to my art would cover most of how it might sound. Good old Ruthie, always has a word of encouragement for her man. But Dave me boy, show up in this neck of the woods a little more often. Who knows, someday you might lose your voice and have need of a keyboard that can really sing. This gang uses them because most of us, I think, can’t sing too good. Because of this we have chosen the best sounding board with the easiest most intuitive operating system having the finest sequencer on the market not to mention it sits on the cutting edge of technology with it’s no moving parts SD card so we can move from job to job with no fear of damage to a sensitive hard drive. Standard equipment I might add, no extra equipment or instillation charges. Residing in the board is a speaker system that absolutely nobody can approach for sound quality or power. The information window, presented in beautiful color, is completely programable for ones usage and desires. We can redecorate it at anytime we desire. Change the wallpaper, move things around, put up new pictures in the background and even take our music off the stand and put it in the window. Dare I mention the quality of the keys, the quality of the buttons, everything. The best. The finest and for just a shade more cost than other would be top notchers. Many times at no more cost. I will now close the built-in cover. What a package. In closing I would like to explain how I feel about changing the name. It took me sometime to learn how to spell, ‘keyboard’. Got it down perfect so no need to rock my boat at this time of my life.
Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug