Jim, there is absolutely no reason on Earth to cut down on grilled foods, especially at Tony's age.
First and foremost, numerous studies clearly show that people on the planet that have the highest cholesterol live the longest. Same holds true for fat intake. There are only a few places on earth where folks consume more fat than in France - yet they have a far lower incidence of cardio-vascular disease than the US, which emphasizes low fat low cholesterol diets.
Ironically, the race that has the lowest cholesterol and fat intake is the Australian Aborigines, and they have the highest incidence of cardio vascular disease. Go figure.
Jim, I spent 15 years of my life working in Cardio-Pulmonary Medicine. I did the workups on thousands of patients that had to undergo bypass surgery. More than 70 percent had low or normal fat intakes and cholesterol levels. Additionally, there are hundreds of studies that clearly show that taking cholesterol reducing drugs will not extend your life a single day, but the side effects can be fatal. Duh! What's wrong with this picture?
Tony, enjoy those steaks, chops, burgers and anything else you cook on the grill - you will likely outlive most of us.
