I work indeed for one of the bigest music stores, not only in Belgium but in in Benelux and in the top 10 of Europe.
But i can say that the Genos is keeping surprising me with wat i can do with is. Everything i want to create, he is doing it. This is the first keyboard where i make the sound that i want to. If it, old school '80 sound, Hans Zimmer or dance with sampels. He is doing it again and again. It is an Amazing keyboard. The best there is, and i can compare bcs we have them all, but Genos is the best Keyboard money can buy.
Abt the demo's yes, i was doing demo's times of Wersi Organs.. ages ago...
Abt selling the setups, Not actualy. I guess it wont be easy to play the songs if you dont know the structure. All is set in registrations. Pedals change as wel sometimes as wel as spil and chard detection. I would have to make a manuel how to use the registrations and how to play the song.
Even i have a TXT file that popup wht the registration with info how i build up the song.
Grtz Peter