Mark writes: Donny.....I appreciate your posts but sometimes I wonder: do you actually get the point the "poster" is making? Do you really think things through before you comment or do you just have "post-itis" (obsession to post)?
Believe me I get it,......
No, Donny...I don't believe you 'cause you DON'T get it. Read the heading of my message, then read it again, and again until you DO get heading was "the bar just got lowered again.” That means I’m noticing musicians are showing up with less and less equipment regularly and that this might not end until they show up on stage with a tin can and a spoon as backing and both Sam Ash and Guitar Center go out of business. I could have said it all in the first three paragraphs. I just thought I’d throw in some additional tongue-in-cheek patter as someone already noted.
what I don't get is your complaining and so call anger toward musicians performing however they are trying to do it,
Hmmmmmmm Let’s use an analogy. Donnie pays $200 for a ticket to see a first class Broadway musical. Goes through the time and trouble of getting into NYC, pays $50 to park his car, walks in and sits down saying to himself “it was all worth it, the next two hours are going to be magnificent.” In walks the performers…they’re all convicts from the Pentonville State Prison choral group who are doing the show because it meant temporary parole for them. In walks the band…..they’re a harmonica player and a drummer whose only equipment is a pair of drumsticks that he uses on a kitchen scrub-board. Would that make YOU angry?
And, really Donny, quite frankly I don’t care if you see me as angry. Do I need to remind you this platform is presented as a public forum and I was graciously given the right to post anything I want within Nigel’s parameters?
show some helpful support or better yet I would of went up to them during a break or at the end of the show and talked with them as a fellow musician and offered my thoughts good or bad, many times it's very appreciative
Have you ever given advice to a musician or anyone even who took it without getting insulted? Most are so fragile they can’t take any kind of critique unless it’s positive BS.
I never forgot this, I had a close OMB friend back in the 80’s. Never met him but we spoke regularly on the phone 2-3x a week about the music business, getting gigs, equipment, etc. One day I went out to watch his show. Good performance, very good vocalist, very good guitarist, very professional. But he was using a 10 year old rhythm box. When I asked him why the next day, he got insulted and from that day on he was very cold to me. Never could figure that one out but never forgot it.
....and btw I've been playing over 50 yrs myself..
Donnie, this is a low blow, but I couldn’t doesn’t show! But......I DID like your version of We'll Meet Again....very well done, very well orchestrated, very good arrangement (if it was yours).
have a nice day if you can
Yes, I can, now that I finished writing this.