Saw this one before (there are so few YT videos up for this instrument) but I doubt if there is much interest in such a dedicated (one trick pony) instrument at this price point. If I didn't specifically want a Rhodes (clone) I'd probably go for this: demo. fact, I'm thinking of getting this anyway. I just need to install a larger SSD in my studio computer. Greg P. is a monster player but those of you knowlegeable of the recording industry already know that. He's also a very funny guy with a lot of personality.
Bachus, if you're listening; your thoughts on the Keyscape Spectrasonics Collector Keyboard package.
Where it comes to recording sound quallity nothing beats keyscape...
But... yes sthere is a but...
Modelled instruments like in the Seven, or my Genesys module, or pianoteq... feel more like a real paino then a sampled instrument like keyscape... its something you must feel.. but a modeled instrument has infinite nuances. And altough the sound might be a tiny bit less authentic then a sampled instrument, it feels more like the real deal when playing it...
Same goes for the VB3 of this company.. thats probably the best sounding B3 emulation..(crumar mojo)
Does that make Sense?
To me it does, amd even tough my playstyle has its limiitations, its just more fun to play emulated sounds...