hi guys
thanks for the information,
i have downloaded the software i have some styles with .STY extension and some midi files im not sure weather they are yamaha or any other styles...what should i do ?
2. i did mnage to convert few of the styles them but donno how to load them on my kn 3000 keyboard ?!! how can i play them from floppy or load them into my hard disk ?"
3. how can i convert all styles in one go using this software
4. i remember whe i has yamaha psr keyboard i was able to edit midi songs !! changed the drumm...voice... how can i load full midi song into my hardisk and edit it !?
5. ive seen some time people are playing actual mp3 song on keyboard !! maybe not full song but part of it !! how this is possible ! can i do on my kn 3000 ?
[This message has been edited by khoshtip_uk (edited 06-15-2006).]