MEGAEnhancer converts MIDI events which specify voices, such as Program Change and Bank Select in XG/GM songs to MIDI
events which specify MegaVoices. It also changes velocity values of note events so that the sound of the appropriate performance techniques will be used. Furthermore, MEGAEnhancer decides whether it is necessary to add the sound of a certain performance technique by analyzing the phrase (note events) in the song data. If the decision is made to add the sound, MEGAEnhancer searches for the note number and velocity to which the appropriate sound is assigned and adds these events to the song data.
What is MegaVoice?
What makes MegaVoices special is their use of velocity switching. Normal voices use velocity switching, too — to change the sound quality and/or level of a voice according to how strongly or softly you play it. This makes the voice sound authentic and natural. With MegaVoices, however, each velocity range (the measure of your playing strength) has a completely different sound. For example, a Mega guitar voice includes the sounds of various performance techniques. In conventional instruments, different voices having those sounds would be called up via MIDI and played in combination to achieve the desired effect. With MegaVoices a convincing guitar part can be played with just a single voice, using specific velocity values to play the desired sounds.
Because of the complex nature of these voices and the precise velocities needed to play the sounds, they are not intended to be used for keyboard performance. They are, however, very useful and convenient when creating MIDI data — especially when you want to avoid using several different voices just for a single instrument part.
1. See attached manual for full detail.
2. See the before and after demos for illustration.
MEGAEnha1_4.pdf (129 downloads)Dueling_Banjos.mp3 (8 downloads)Dueling_Banjos_mega.mp3 (9 downloads)
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