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#45623 - 11/10/03 05:37 AM Easy listening site (Saving midi files)
tonykn7000 Offline

Registered: 10/01/02
Posts: 33
Loc: Colchester , Essex , UK
RE Fran in Florida earlier ref to Easy listening site for midi's. This is a good site but as other members have pointed out
when you right click the player you do not have save option and if you right click the
song name and save as target as with most midi's it only saves the HMTL page. I had this problem and it was very annoying. But I sorted out a way to overcome this. Go to web site select song example "alfie" and go to page with player on it and copy the HMTL in
the address box. Open windows media player and on file drop down select Open url and paste in the saved HMTL address and change th extention at the end from HMTL to MID and
enter you will now be able to save as midi file in normal way of saving target as floppy
or harddrive.

Best regards to all

Tony Looker
Esses UK
Tony KN7000

#45624 - 11/10/03 10:17 AM Re: Easy listening site (Saving midi files)

Hi Tony,

If you Left click "File" on the Player itself, the drop down menue gives you the save option. If the player is not available you must bring it up and in "Options" on the Player, choose always on top. It will remain on the desktop util you remove it (X). Some sites give this in their "How to Download" section.

This allows downloads as fast as left clicking the song title.

Fran in Florida

#45625 - 11/10/03 11:31 AM Re: Easy listening site (Saving midi files)
tonykn7000 Offline

Registered: 10/01/02
Posts: 33
Loc: Colchester , Essex , UK
Hi Fran

If I right click the player I have no save option ???. I do not have Crescendo Player but you don't need it as you can open midi with Windows player and save from there as discribed. But I think you may have to have quicktime player (Not sure if u can just save from windows player)

Best regards


Essex UK
Tony KN7000


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