Last Friday to Saturday night I had a strange dream, which I could remember the next day. That is very rare. It is even rare that I know I have dreamed.
I dreamed that I came to work and they said that they hired an expert, so they need to seek other work for me. And I was involved in a photography project with music. In the morning I could even remember the song of my dream. In the morning the song faded away when we went to the market place where a streeet organ was playing. But Saturday afternoon the song came back in my mind and I sat down behind my keyboard and played the song of my dream, just like that. It took less than half an hour to create the "easy sequence and make an mp3 of it. If you are interested in hearing this dream_song, send me an email:
Then something else. In our church we want to do a project of having a group opf people together create an art work on the wall. Onde of the ideas is to have the first 7 days (Genesis) as theme. Now in the old days I had the LP of "The First Seven Days" of Jan Hammer. Of course, the LP is lost somewhere and record player out of site. Is there anybody who has this music and can send me the mp3's? I know how the sending can be done. So finding the music is the first step in this. Thanks for your feedback.