Hi dear forummers,
whish to inform you that there are new songs on KESO. The first ones in 2005
. I hope you still like new songs? Even if you probably have 620!! songs in your KESO-collection ..
My gratitude to my guestplayers, who go on and go on to send new songs for your service with their disinterested efforts to let us enjoy the music they made.
I hope (and I also hope you agree with me) still to receive more songs in 2005. There are still so many beautiful songtitles I would love to hear
I would be honored to welcome in this new year some new guestplayers again. There is still room on my server
You're welcome to visit
http://www.keso.nl to download their songs form their Personal Keso Page.
Best greetings,
(Webmaster of Keso-songs, Keso-Jukebox and Keso-Café)