I was over at Seacroft yesterday (Keyboard Cavalcades 100th anniversary). Was good to see some of the old faces (literally). Many of those in attendance are struggling to read music due to age and sight loss, its upsetting.
My Father, Trevor Brown, as well as being part of the UK Ketron Team is one of the magazine contributors and writes tuition articles and musical arrangements. Last month he decided to use larger music specifically for those readers who are finding standard music difficult to read. The response was so good he came up with this idea;
The music is stored within registrations, so pulling up a reg automatically displays the music on the 24" monitor. There is no need for a tablet or computer, its all done on the keyboard. He has also added a huge music library (without sheet music due to copyright) which sets up the keyboard styles and sounds (4 sounds on arranger). He is showing people how to use their digital camera to snap a photo of their sheet music, put it on the SD9 screen and overwrite the music library registrations to quickly create their own on screen music library. He is also offering a scanning service so they dont have to worry.
Others have tried it using separate tablets, but its too much for the average home player who struggles with technology anyway. Trevor's system is amazingly simple.
I thought you might like to see for yourselves. He has put together a realy good package, with stand, gas arm for monitor, Surround sound system and SD9 with song library and his own sheet music built in.