I just mailed Volume 4 to be uploaded to the website. It is complete with 20 songs and has one KN3000 and some Pr Piano songs on it. Thank you to all that sent in your songs. I will advise by email to all those that are on my subscriber list the URL address when and where you can download the new zip file
A special thank you to Bob Hendershot for putting these zip files on one of his websites for downloading by our members. This was very generous of you Bob and we all appreciate it, especially me that has been hand mailing them to several hundred people.
I have 5 more songs to start disc 5 with. Please get your songs in the mail to me as soon as possible to bforrest@ix.netcom.com
Best to you all from
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 05-22-2002).]