Although not very active with music these days ( unfortunately) , yesterday saw the release of a new album by my good friend Stefan van de Sande, singer songwriter and travelling troubadour.
Apart from one Bob Dylan cover he has written all music and lyrics himself. The album is called Moonlight. By way of experiment he entrusted me with the arrangement of one of his new songs on the PA1000. What it eventually boiled down to is the fact that this song is included TWICE on his new album.
First in his way of singing and playing and later on with a backing that I created on the PA1000. Excerpts from both with the following link:
P.S. you may all revel in the wonders of the by now rather obsolete Roland arranger models but apart from the PA4X and possibly the two ketron top models there is very little to beat the PA1000 imho. Oh well , you can probably still get a bargain from Don , selling his PA1000