I have been due to my playing style a "Pedal Atheist" for a very long time and just never believed in using pedals for my needs vs the speed of my fingers on deck to make changes...except using a FS5 switch pedal for VH on & off....even my playing style let me "sound like" I am using a sustain pedal but did not....But lately since have acquired the 76 key Roland BK9 I find myself playing more expressively, sometimes just Piano,EP,etc, where I recently bought a sustain pedal to use. I now also bought a Roland EV5 expression pedal to bring in a color sound ( like Fran has been telling me for years to do)

& and/or use it to control my lead up1,up2, etc, volumes on the fly without having to adjust them with the drawbars letting me keep my hands on the keys which is nice also.
I don't know at this point if using a multi pedal like the Roland FC-7 if yu could ever find one would suit my needs as worrying about what pedal to push whilc playing is definitly a hindereance and to me anyway always seems to leave a choppy perfromance when you have to look down at your feet, etc, etc, So I guess old dogs can learn a few new tricks.
Next I want to dig into using the
4 assign S buttons next to the joystick too which can really add to your playing experiences...
What are your pedal uses and why......
take care.