Very do you like dealing with 2 non touch screens again?
Well I decided to try to keep an open mind and give them a chance. Actually, there are some advantages to having two screen.
I have to admit I punched the screens a few times, but I'll get over it.
All the styles have an individual number. I spent most of a day listening to styles and trying to associate which songs fit. I made a database showing the name of the song, the number of the style, the original artist and notes, such as tempo, var or ots settings.
I can call up any of these by using the Numeric function on the keyboard.
In addition I saved about 40 Performance Memories so far, giving instant access to some of the songs I do regularly and some generic styles that fit numerous songs.
Basically the left screen shows style info and the right screen shows sounds.
The screens are easier to see that I thought they'd be.
I have one situation to address before tonight. The Harmony M is connected to midi out on the keyboard to send chord changes. Seems it is also sending Control Changes and keeps turning off my reverb. I can fix it from either the keyboard midi out settings, or the Harmony M receive settings. I had to make that adjustment last time I used it on a different arranger, but I forgot.