Hi Bachus,
Been converting my psr styles as midifiles for years for my various korgs, but of course not using the converter. Haven’t had a chance to look at the video yet, I’ll check back in later.
The earlier psr styles up to the psr 1500 were fairly easy. The mega voices are a pain, but the noises can removed, they are usually on their own midi track. Actually korg has a bit of an equivalent, the rx sounds. Back on my pa 800 , just for the heck of it, I experiment with transposing the sounds to try and match a similar noises ie fret, thumps etc. Got a bit too ridiculous the time spent, but it was interesting.
The markers in psr styles can be changed to suit the korg.
One big difference between korg and Yamaha was the bass and percussion tracks, they were on the opposite midi channels, the rest of them matched the korg.
Used to just change the track from bass 11 psr, to bass 9 korg . Percussion psr 9, to korg percussion 11.
Get back to you later.
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022