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#46206 - 05/29/06 04:12 AM Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Ted Rose Offline

Registered: 01/16/02
Posts: 515
Loc: United States
Wow, what a great response to kn7 and his attempt to keep the forum going! Apparently this forum is NOT drying up yet. In fact, after opening TWO pages of comments, I decided it was time for a continuation in a new post/thread. So, I have taken the liberty of starting (continuing?) the comments here. Let's all keep it going; the comments are fun and the names, some familiar, some not, are great to see. Not much in the way of technical or other advice, but a friendly chat is always welcome.

Long live the KN 7000 (and the 6500, and the 6000, and the 5000 and the 1000 and all the others still extant and being enjoyed and that will be enjoyed for many years to come, in spite of all the innovations of rival companies and their attmpts to outdo us Technic enthusiasts)!

To all my Yankee friends: Happy Memorial Day!

Ted Rose

#46207 - 05/29/06 05:48 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
larry gosmeyer Offline

Registered: 01/23/02
Posts: 394
Loc: La Verne, CA USA
Yea Ted!

From my prospective of desiring a Sequencing System that has power, ease of use, and a complete array of instruments and arranging attributes, nothing comes close to the KN7000 and other Technics Keyboards.

Long Live the Keyboard King!!

Larry Gosmeyer

#46208 - 05/29/06 09:12 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Roger, send them over. ( will do the job quite nicely. Can’t send out yet but can get your mail. Come to think of it Rog, I don’t believe I have ever loaded anything into that KN. Hold on a minute and let me run upstairs and see if there is even a disk drive in the thing. I can’t believe it! I whipped the cover off and no drive. Putting the cover back on I felt something on the right side as I pulled the cover down over the board. I looked and lo and behold a disk drive on the right side of that bugger. Over all these years I never knew it had one or I had forgotten all about it. I don’t believe I ever used the thing. I did however wear out the drive on my KN5000 by using it so much. I must have shoved thousands and thousands of those babies in and out. I finally got me a hard drive and thought I was in heaven and I was.

Alec, you bring up some happy memories for me with your comment on the Yamaha forum. If that isn’t a pitiful example and representation of a supposedly high-end keyboard discussion forum and it’s owners I never seen one. One thing I got to admit is that Yamaha and some of those west coast players really were a great source of fun for me. When Scotty and some of those other Yamaha PSR buff’s were trying to justify their purchase of those toys by touting there excellence over our KN’s on our forum is when Yamaha gave me great joy. If that was all they could afford or thought was the pinnacle of keyboard excellence, that was OK by me. Just don’t come into my house and shove your toys into my toy box. I think the story about Ruthie finding me on the floor throwing up and mumbling something was hilarious. Well, for me anyway for I have somewhat of a, you might say, warped sense of humor at times. Anyway Ruthie thought I had to go to the pot when she thought I was saying pisser when I was really saying PSR.

Well enough of that for the KN is no longer a threat or challenge to Yamaha. We still get demo’s of the Yamaha T for 2 from those guys once in a while. I know, I know it’s presented as purely to appreciate the merits of arranger keyboards. I’ll tell you one thing. If the vocal did not drown out or mask the T2 sound it would be about as dull as an old pair of shoes.

Before I go any further and sound like I have anything against Scotty I want everyone to know for certain, I DON’T! I think Scotty has a great voice. I know for certain that he has mastered the art of handling that voice and presenting his most inward feelings of the song. As for his ability in musicianship he does not have to take a back seat to anyone. I would also like to say the T2 is suitable as a backup for vocals. The piano as Scotty uses it as a break or solo in his vocals is perfectly acceptable. However and I do say however because I mean however!

There still is no board out there to match the quality and authenticity of sound like the KN. Almost 50 years of dance band experience in the reed section and dubbing on accordion in specialty charts leaves me with no other conclusion. You need no other proof than to listen to Larry’s Big Band Stuff for reality. I don’t sing but have a canary with me as the occasion warrants so vocals is the lesser concern for me when I use my KN for an engagement. For the last dozen years it has been mostly solo KN work.

Well guys and gals, here I go again running off at the mouth so until I find something better than I got for my kind of work and enjoyment I will try not to drop, run over, spill beer in or destroy in any other way, any of my KN’s.

Grandpa Doug and his other little beauty, Ruthie.
Grampa Doug

#46209 - 05/29/06 01:54 PM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Bernie9 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/21/02
Posts: 5519
Loc: Port Charlotte,FL,USA
What a testamonial for our KN7000's. I feel proud all over again to own one.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact

#46210 - 05/29/06 04:32 PM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
The value of our beloved KN 7000 was never in question. It is by far the best – the finest keyboard I have ever owned. (KN1000 to KN 7000)

The question for me is, “Where do I go from here if I wish to kept growing with technology”. When I play the trumpet or piano on my KN7000 or go through the elements of the sequencer, I know I have the best. But still the same question remains, “Where do I go from here if I wish to kept growing with technology”
I hate what Panasonic did with the Technics part of their business. I have been loyal to Technics keyboards for many years. In fact I have a list of my personal friends who I have influenced in purchasing the flagship model as they came out. We even had a Technic group in Boynton Beach, Florida.
So my loyalty is not in question, only my desire to move on, learn and grow.
Just my emotions on this subject.

I posted a new topic –“Learning a new song and having fun”
Some might find it interesting.

John C

#46211 - 05/30/06 08:57 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
Well John, I guess you are dealing with three things that are rolling around in your mind.

1 - You know you have the best when you play and hear the sounds and use it’s functions.

2 - You are worried or concerned about something that has not yet happened. You want to keep up with technology and are worried where you can now go to keep growing with it. Kind of fruitless, don’t you think? The other boards are still in the dark ages of technology. Mechanical memory. Hard drives that are mechanical devices of many parts that can give many problems in a portable type keyboard. Floppy disk drives with the same inherent unreliable qualities. The magnetic medium on the floppies that can be corrupted if laid near a speaker or phone. Clunky operating system and I could go on and on. Compare that with the solid state SD card. Solid state memory that has unlimited capacity and portability. Not only that but Secure Disk technology of the SD card is not only faster but is the epitome of all such technology to date. Only now the photography industry is starting to use these SD cards. Sometimes worry can become a hobby with some people

3 - Hate and loyalty! What a combination to fester a real downer. Hate in any form will never allow anyone to experience any kind of peace, contentment or genuine happiness in life. Hate is the root that if left to grow unchecked will spoil any garden of contentment. And Loyalty? Loyal to Technics? May I offer a suggestion John? I would say your loyalty is misplaced. Loyalty to a thing, a man or an organization is a sure formula for stagnation, hate, bitterness and disappointment. Loyalty to a principle or quality such as excellence, quality, goodness, truthfulness or the like will always produce a life of likeness. A life a cut above most.

So John, Old Grandpa taking the chance of being called critical or negative, will offer a bit of observation that I sincerely extend as a help in obtaining a well satisfied life on this earth.

When I discuss my KN, my car or even my Ruthie I always do so in terms of principle or quality and the rest will take care of itself. As an example if I may. I have had my Ruthie for a very long time. She is old, very old in comparison with my new great grand daughter. Because I have loyalty to principle and quality rather than wife, better appearing woman, age, new experience or any other of the many things divorce facilitates I have had an exceptionally rewarding life.

So in closing John, if your desire is to move on then move on. If to learn, than learn. If it is as you say to grow then by all means grow. Grow in understanding and learn in knowledge but if your desire is to move on without the understanding and knowledge of WHY, that of course is up to you. If your justification for moving on is to learn and grow then the question arises learn what and grow to what? Old technology? I love new technology. I will always learn and grow until the day I die. Yes guys, I have and still do buy things because I want to move on to something new. Something new is the motivation and needs no justification. My lust for something new is the reason and the justification. Please fellows, call a spade a spade. When something else surpasses the technology and performance of the KN then buy it for that reason as I will also do. Until that time guys, please don’t try to convince yourself, me or any one else that the KN is somehow falling behind in technology, quality or sound compared to other current offerings. Want a new toy then buy a new toy but don’t rename it as new technology or as some grandiose motive to grow in new technology.

Grandpa Doug, a big mouth but with a proven philosophy.
Grampa Doug

#46212 - 05/30/06 10:30 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Granpa Doug, Thank you for your in lenth reply.
There is much wisdom in what you say.I have food for thought.

John C.

#46213 - 05/30/06 11:12 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
bruno123 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/04/02
Posts: 4912
Loc: West Palm Beach, FL 33417
Grandpa Doug, I need to clarify one issue, “Loyalty to Technics”. Your correction/suggestion is well taken, I did express myself very well.

When I said loyalty to Technics I was thinking not just the keyboard but of everything else that Technics means to me. For one, this forum, after over 600 posts and two Jams I find myself connected in many ways. I have been in homes, sent and received e-mails and exchanged a lot of information about music and Technics keyboards with people I have learned to care for.
It’s all tied together.

Now I’ll go back and do some thinking about ---
1-Is it a new toy I want?
2-What will I learn from having a new toy?

I really do appreciate you taking the time to write, it is helping me see myself in a clear light.

Thank’s John C.

#46214 - 05/30/06 01:05 PM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Douglas Dean Offline

Registered: 04/15/02
Posts: 554
Loc: Prospect Heights IL USA
John, If it’s a new toy you want you don’t have to worry about what you will learn from it. You will only put yourself under undue stress if you look at it that way and happen to not learn anything. Heaven knows we got enough stress already. Just buy it and don’t try to justify it. If your not married you can do what you want. If your married and the little lady says anything open her closet and show her her footwear. Just ask the question why so many of them looks so new. Be sure to bring your calculator and divide the pairs into the days of the month push the button and get the pairs per day answer. That answer will come out reading, well, I just wanted them.

That method will work well on clothes and many other things. Just be sure to pick any one of her weaknesses. One last piece of advise. Never, never let lust put you into bondage by putting yourself into debt. Always make sure you have enough money to buy another toy in case that one did not do the trick.

And John, just in case self control gets out of control, remember, there are food stamps and medicaid instead of medicare. If married and she leaves, the cost of living will shrink by seventy five percent per the last published statistics.

With that bit of musing and humor I will go and see what Ruthie's’ got going for supper. Have fun john and will see ya’ll later.

Grandpa Doug
Grampa Doug

#46215 - 05/31/06 03:44 AM Re: Topic: IS THIS FORUM DRYING UP?
Johnnie.c Offline

Registered: 08/12/01
Posts: 562
Loc: England
On the contrary it looks more like the new formed Yamaha Arranger Keyboard forum is the one that has dried up judging by this thread

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