My guitar collection is up to about 320 pieces, AGAIN. Add 30 plus keyboards and over 50 amplifiers and miscellaneous other crap and I've got a mess on my hands.
Have a lot of trouble selling anything, unless the proceeds go to a very good cause, like the Habitat project in New Orleans.
Lots of the really good (read that $5,000.00, plus) guitars are slated for sale.
There are lots of others (over 200 pieces) that will never appreciate in value, but could make a struggling young player very happy. Over the years, I've turned down a lot of cash, and given good "beaters" away to deserving young players who couldn't afford a better guitar.
A typical "beater" is a George Benson Ibanez that sells new for $1299.00, I think. It will never be worth much more than $1,000.00, but is close to the instrument George plays.I play one often on gigs.
If you know a promising young player (does not have to be just jazz players, but most really good players tend to gravitate in that direction) send me a message via private email.
I really enjoy giving an amplifier or guitar, bass, etc. away to somebody who really needs and would appreciate and use it.
Rory Hoffman did not need any help, but it makes me proud that he may occasionally play the tenor banjo or Alvarez classical I gave him.
Likewise, I have given away over 100 pieces, and most have been used by players who really made a name for themselves. You would know some of the names, for sure.
If you know such a deserving player, could you take a minute and send me an email? The collection has a little of everything
(Fenders...all models, a few low end Gibson's, Guilds, Ibanez, Carvin's and quite a few imports branded by major manufactures).
Think of it as an instrument adoption process...matching the player up to an appropriate instrument.
We'd all be winners. I'd place the donated instrument where it would do some good, you'd justifiably fee good assisting in the process and the player would get a new axe.
This is my Christmas project for 2018 and beyond.
HO, HO everybody.
Edited by captain Russ (11/29/18 11:37 AM)