Nice....but, I liked the non-arranger ones better. I always feel very defensive on this forum when expressing any opinion that might be construed as 'anti-arranger'. Probably just my imagination since I'm sure everyone here prefers honesty to fake praise.
I too, multi-track everything I record. I use REAPER which serves my meager recording needs just fine. I also use 'canned' drum tracks when a live drummer is not available (which is most of the time). My drum tracks come from one of four sources: Live, Arranger drum track, drum loop library, or cobbled together with a (free) drum program which allows you to chose Intros, Chorus, Fills, and endings to form a track. All are pretty simple, really. It's more a case of choosing the right pattern, kit, tempo, etc. IMO, good taste is the most important skill.
My problem with all-arranger tunes is that they (with a few exceptions) SOUND like arranger (style based) tunes. SOME skilled players can minimize this by playing good extra material within or over or in addition to, the arranger parts. This tones down the 'perfection' effect that arrangers can impart. IOW, it humanizes it. IMO, arrangers are better at accompaniment duties for vocals or (played) solo instruments than for style-based orchestrations. Obviously, there are notable exceptions and many have been presented on this forum. But, as in real life, I'd always opt to see a 'live' performance over even a very good style-based arranger performance. But that's just me.
We often wonder why young people never took to arrangers. I think the answer is simple. I think they know that although the 'tech' is fascinating for about 15 minutes (young people have short attention spans
), that an arranger keyboard is never going to give them what they want music wise. For one thing, trends in music change much to fast these days.
Okay, I've wandered WAY off course (as usual), so I'll conclude by saying (in all honesty) that except for the old Vince Guaraldi xmas album, I'm not a big fan of xmas jazz. I think it's more the concept than the actual music that I have a hard time warming up to (and I'm not even religious). Ah well....