Originally posted by fmlk4u:
Hi Folks,
It is not a matter of being a Yamaha fan or not. I think it is more a matter of having money to keep pace with new models every three years. I haven't
Even if someone has the money, the improvements in the new model may not justify the expenditure. Although I bought the PSR8000 it was not the leap forward from the 7000 that in my opinion justified the £1,600 I spent. Looking back it would have been better to have skipped the 8000 and waited till the 9000 came out.
I'm not convinced yet that the Tyros 2 will be the leap forward to warrant £2,000 pay out.
I'm sure the reviews will be brilliant, and there will be features that are better than Tyros 1 but for me it's mainly the improvent to sound and styles that will count. The sound samples and style demo's i've heard so far have not made me want to spend my money.
My Father spent 15 years teaching music at Nellar Hall the army academy, it goes without saying he has a good ear for music especially brass instruments.
I played both trumpet sample for Tyros 1 and Tyros 2 in his opinion any improvment is not gojng to make any difference to the audience your playing to.
Kind regards
[This message has been edited by Peter Lowden (edited 09-13-2005).]