Hi Ron,
This is how I do it. I make my choice from the Music Stylist Category - say 'Easy Listening' then from a chosen category, I highlight no.1 of the 4 MS setups, save to Panel Memory 1 by pressing and holding down PM no.1 and pressing the blue SET button together. I select MS No.2 and repeat the save, same with MS No.3 and MS No. Exit from MS and you should now have these four settings in PMs 1-4 of Bank A showing on your Home Page Screen. These can now be edited in the usual way.
Saving the MUSIC STYLIST is slightly different. I press Program Menu, Composer, Custom Style Copy, where you will see FROM PM A, TO CUSTOM STYLE 1. Change this by pressing the 'DIRECTION' button in centre of screen and OK it. The screen should now read FROM CUSTOM STYLE 1 TO PM A. OK it. Exit from this screen and you will see your Custom Style in Bank A of the Panel Memory on your Home Page. This can then be edited in the normal way. Repeat these actions with any selection you make but remember to change the number of the chosen Custom Style otherwise of course, you will always get No.1
Hope this helps.
Aud (U.K.)