Thanks Fran, that's all very interesting but all I really need is the three digits in the middle to know which bank to select on the SD2. Surely there must be someone here who knows ?
As stated earlier I seem to recall that the first three digits had to be all zeros and the last three digits obviously the number of the sound in the related bank.
So..............anyone ?
John, the "000" is the control change (Cc) for the MSB, "032" is the control change (Cc) for the LSB, followed by Program change.
John, let me use an example .. I use the Code61 with the SD1000..
When I select the LSB cc032, I enter 000, When I select MSB cc000, I enter one of the banks numbers, 000, 001, 010, 011, or 004 (grooves)… followed by the program change number..
I also use the Code61 to control the Roland Integra (6,000) sounds