I play and sing fairly well, as well as good on harmonica, but not at the same time. I want to arrange a few songs featuring all three. This means automating portions, including using the Pa4X chord sequencer, SMF with markers to rearrange parts, and converting to MP3 where needed. I have done none of these.
As an example, On The Road Again might be a starting point. I would sing and play a guitar and harmonica. That is pretty straightforward on the keyboard, but at times, I would want to stroll around with my Roland Lucina Keytar. It plays MP3s or WAV from it's player, and no left hand chord control, but good lead voices.
This is where the question of automation comes in. I could do the following:
1. Record a live performance from the Pa4X,with or without the chord sequencer, leaving spaces for rifts etc.
2. Use a midi. place markers, and convert to Audio
3. If using the keyboard, I would use Chord sequencing. since harmonica uses both hands for accidentals, and I dislike using neck holders.
I, many times, have grandiose ideas, then hit a brick wall, but would appreciate and thoughts.
pa4X 76 ,SX900, Audya 76,Yamaha S970 , vArranger, Hammond SK1, Ketron SD40, Centerpoint Space Station, Bose compact