Well, the UPS gal showed up about 5 p.m., but not exactly dressed in her summer attire. Today's high was just 25 degrees here, she was wearing her heavily insulated UPS jacket, insulated hat, gloves, heavy trousers and boots. That's OK, though. In the summer she wears those tight fittin outfits and looks great. Blond hair, blue eyes, and all the other attributes. Plus, she's a really nice person that does a great job.
The big mistake I made was only buying one set of headphones. Damned they sound great, outstanding frequency range, very comfortable, blocks out ALL outside noise, totally eliminates feedback while recording vocals - OUTSTANDING!
Unfortunately, my wife got to use them first. Well, I'm the boss of my family and I have my wife's permission to say so!

Sure hope they do this again, but she said I could borrow the headset for an hour on days when I wanted to record something.
Fortunately, I did a quick search and found the same deal at GC, placed my order, and in 3 to 5 days I'll have another set for ME. YEAH!
Thanks again, Don,