John (Bruno) as the person who makes the most effective remarks in this room with the least amount of words. Particularly more so in recent various posts. IMHO he's a very wise and in-depth person (and as we just found out, a very good musician).
among others...
Man and His Music John and I have had a few personal conversations a few years back by email. I began to notice that this man is an extremely deep thinker. Whether it's everyday life or a music related topic. And he's well-versed in many areas and how life actually works and how the “mind” works with many comments on how to make what we do musically more efficient and more effective.
I've benefited quite a bit from his (often brief) remarks here in the Zone both about music and about life in general. When I say "brief," I mean 1-2 sentences. But they're powerhouse thoughts if you read them closely and think about what he has to say. Very thought-provoking, very stimulating.
So, John, if I haven't embarrassed you, in the style of Donny, I say...."keep em' comin" (accompanied by mini-clapping hands).
Here's of your biggest fans.....