Not all DJS just 'play records'. DJing has become as much a form of musical expressionism as 'traditional' forms of music. Isn't it about time 'purist' musos got off their high horses and took some time to research what the contemporary music scene is all about? I speak from experience, I'm a DJ, I have been for 8 yrs now, but I'm also a musician. I don't just play records, when I do a gig I mix in my own original material, other musicians join me and add their own licks, trumpeters, saxophonists, vocalists, percussionists. I play synths, drop samples, sync sequencer tracks to the decks, scracth, flange, mix, match the list goes on....! Remember folks music is a personal thing, do what you feel, if other people feel it too then youre onto a wiiner, plus your making the lives of others better by doing something you enjoy - is there a better way to spend your time, if so, enlighten me 'cos maybe ive missed something!!!!
NEWAY 'nuff said! if you want to find out what i'm ranting on about, check these sites. - forward thinking club promoters/DJ's/Producers from suuny Derby in England - net radio station soon to feature exclusive live sets, DJ sets and webcasts from the UK's most upcoming future musicians, my website under construction, to launch in JULY 2002
Keep it unreal!
Alex G