Originally posted by Mark And Michelle:
Hi Bill, and good morning (GMT),
It's incredible to believe that people can't at least say 'Thank You' for somebody's effort. Whenever possible both Mark or I do try to at least do that small simple email that shows you appreciate the work involved.
On a personal note, I realise that my playing is not totally up to scratch but, at least, I made the effort as have all those you've mentioned in the topic header.
Yours, with regards as always,
Lucy, I am so sorry to say that I have many, many people on my email lists that I have been feeding for years now that very seldom if ever bothered to say thank you.
We seem to have a lot more takers then givers here.
It is my intent to soon rectify that as I clean up my 7 email lists. I won't miss the takers that never even bother to say thanks.
Best to all the rest of you,