Ok, what i didn't realize is that your SD40 has multiple USB type A ports, so it can be a "host." Your controllers think that it's a computer!
I know that many arrangers made after Y2K have a USB type A port to accept a "thumb drive" (for external styles, songs, etc.) But that doesn't mean these ports can also host an external keyboard controller.
So my question... are there any other modules or arranger keyboards that will support these lightweight USB-midi keyboard controllers, or is Ketron unique in this regard? Thanks!!
Ketron is unique.
Most arranger modules’ USB to device ( if any) is only for thumb drives/ data update only. You need to use actual midi in socket.
You can still get Samson/ Roland controllers which have midi out ( plus USB midi) and are sub $150.
It’s a shame that most sub $800 digital pianos ( P45/121/125/FP10,30) took out midi outs. ( P35/95 was the last batch).Having a external usb to midi converter which need own power supply defeats the purpose of portability.