The idea of SKYPE is wonderful! What fun it will be when it really works well! So far it has been a very frustrating exercise in futility for me. However, it is not my intention to quit trying to make it work ...providing others are willing to help.
SCOTT has been VERY helpful & exceedingly patient in our attempts to communicate via Skype. The challenges seem to be with my system as he does well communicating with others.
My Sony Viao laptop (2 to 3 yrs old), is connected to a wireless network...Wi-Fi system. It has WinXP... The transformer (?) is on a tall pole less than 100 yds & within sight through the windshield of my motorhome. I have a headset earphone/mic that plugs into the back of the Sony & have made numerous adjustments to the sound in order to clear the voice distortions that have sometimes occured during conversations. The last chat with Scott was fine in that regard.
The other problem has been with voices cutting cursor "freezes" & there is a loss/cutting out of the other person's voice. It has been suggested that perhaps my computer gets "busy" elsewhere which causes the cursor to freeze???? I am not a "techie".... (I am a TECHNIC-ie)!!!
BOB HENDERSHOT....has mentioned how "ideally suited" the 7K is to "this kind of stuff...all you have to do is connect the microphone of your headset to the KN7000 and use the KN7000 to feed your voice and your music to the computer via USB for your VOIP software". (I think I understand this thought).
The two "plugs" on my mic/earphones voice/audio combo that fit into the voice/audio ports on the back of the Sony are very very small stereo plugs (two black lines around each plug)......They are far too small to connect to the mic port on the back of the 7K! If an adapter is available...which one to ask for at Radio Shack? As there is only a 4" wire to each of the two plugs from where they converge to a single wire leading to/from the headset.....the distance is considerably further from the mic port on the 7K & to where the computer sits on the music rack to connect the Sony to the 7K USB port.
As I also have a different headset mic already plugged into the mic port on the there some way to use it in the equation with the Sony & maybe the other mic/earphones set??? (I told you, I am not a computer techie) ...
I certainly will look forward to responses to this rather detailed & long post! I really do want to play with y'all!
ELIZABETH....(Skype name: e2luvzmusic)