#48087 - 10/29/03 07:59 PM
Re: When to use Composer Memory
Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 276
Loc: Arizona, USA
Hi Rikki:
Been awhile since we chatted last. Has the dust settled down now with wedding?
Interesting about the PR804 composer maybe compatible. The PR900 composer was the only file that could load in PR804, had to get the other types converted using a PR902.
You know, looking at all this compatibility thing. Wouldn't it be easier for Technics to adopt the Software industry standard of being backward compatible???
That is, when you have MS Word 2002, or Excel 2002, and you want to save it for others that have Word/Excel 97, all you do is pick from the dropdown, find 97, and bingo it's a 97 file. Granted it looses some features from the 2002 version but at least it can be read.
Take that same concept with Technics, and if a person has a KN7000 who would like to have his friend who has a KN5000 hear his music. All the person has to do when saving, is choose from a list of KN's and the KN7000 will save in that model's format. After all, the KN7000 will understand and know what the other KN's has.
Ditto on the PR models.
Oh well, again one of my many "wishful thinkings"...
#48088 - 10/30/03 01:52 PM
Re: When to use Composer Memory
Senior Member
Registered: 12/22/02
Posts: 6021
Loc: NSW,Australia
Hi Anthony, yes, the last of the guests left on Monday. It was pretty hectic, as we had 7 staying ( including a 4 month & 3 year old babies, plus the son & new daughter in law's pet cockateil ( parrot). He was the noisiest of the lot (haahaa)
Back to normal at last.
Actually it would be great if you could send me a composer file at some stage, just to see if it would work. It might mean that the piano's & keyboards are more compatible than we thought ( at least when it comes to composer styles) rikkisbears@hotmail.com Actually our "easy composer" style parts may be similar too. I'm still trying to work on putting a list together of the different style parts in "easy composer" be pretty bizzare if your piano's was the same as the kn's. I'll be sharing the list when I finish.
I don't think you'll ever see a backward ( meant to say foreward) compatible keyboard or piano. There wouldn't be an incentive for people to upgrade to the latest model, if their old keyboard played the new styles & songs as perfectly as the new one did. Let's face it, manufactures need people to buy new products, or else there's no incentive for them to keep improving them.
THe only thing that I do find a bit dissapointing is that the piano & keyboards aren't fully compatible. Possibly hasn't occurred to Technics, that some people might prefer 88 notes and still have the sd card facilities and the custom styles etc. I'd much prefer a piano to a keyboard, but I wasn't willing to forgo the sd card facilities on the kn7. Admittedly I could midi up my PR602 to the KN7, but that gets messy & awkward to use, plus my PR602 & kn7 are in different parts of the house..
Little mp3 players might be handy for sharing music. I was considering getting one. ie record a backing track on my kn7 ( all the parts minus the melody) save as mp3. Plug the mp3 player audio out into my PR602 and play piano along with the mp3. Admittedly I could probably do the same thing with a cd player, but not as convenient as those tiny Panasonic mp3 players that you can take anywhere.
Just given me a thought for my Xmas wish list ( haahaa)
best wishes Rikki
[This message has been edited by rikkisbears (edited 10-31-2003).]
best wishes Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note SX900 Band in a Box 2022
#48090 - 10/31/03 09:48 AM
Re: When to use Composer Memory
Registered: 04/26/03
Posts: 276
Loc: Arizona, USA
Shcox said: "While the KN1000 was a good instrument in it's day. How many of us would want our new styles to sound and play like the KN1000 styles."
Reply: The people who still own the KN1000 that do not have the KN7000.
Just think on how many folks out there that have a KN6000 and older. They are not able to listen to the beautiful music in KN7000 format. The idea is having the current models format be backward compatible. Just think, if you owned a KN7000 and lets say you play at a parish that has a KN6000. If you recorded a beautiful religous song on the KN7000, it could not be played on the KN6000. However, if the KN7000 had a feature that says, save as, and a drop down of models comes up. Choose KN6000, and now it is in KN6000 format, to be played on the KN6000 at the parish.
Also, lets say a KN8000 comes out, and 5 people start sharing their KN8000 songs. Who will be able to listen to them? KN7000 owners? The answer is no, but if it was saved as KN7000, well? As time moves on, more and more will have the KN8000 and gradually the KN7000 will be left in the graveyard of past models (Good Marketing Strategy).
Rikki mentioned: "I don't think you'll ever see a fully backward compatible keyboard or piano. There wouldn't be an incentive for people to upgrade to the latest model, if their old keyboard played the new styles & songs as perfectly as the new one did. Let's face it, manufactures need people to buy new products, or else there's no incentive for them to keep improving them.
Reply: Missing the point. The converted files from the KN7000 to lets say a KN6000 will not be as perfect as the KN7000, it will be as nearly as perfect as a KN6000. But will give the chance for KN6000 owners to hear KN7000 owners music, which presently is nill... Unless one goes out and buys a KN7000. (Good Marketing Strategy)...