Whilst Alec's description of the process is quite adequate for users who are fairly familiar with the KN7000, it would seem that Peter requires a more detailed procedure. I therefore offer the following

1. Insert the Disc in the KN7000 Disk Drive.
2. If the KN7000 screen does not show 'DISK MENU' then press Disc Load button.
3. Press the 'LOAD' button - top Right of screen
4. Select the song to be copied using the cursor keys below the screen.
5. Make a note of the components of the song, displayed in the box at the Right side of the screen ( Current Panel, Panel Memory etc) These are the individual parts of the song, which were recorded during the original Floppy disc 'Save' operation.
6. Press the 'LOAD' button - top Right of screen - the song will now load into the KN7000.
7. Press 'SD LOAD' Yellow button - SD MENU screen should appear.
8. Press 'SAVE' button - second top at Right side of screen.
9. Press 'TECHNICS FORMAT' button - same position as in step 8
10. Press 'SONG NAMING' button and enter an appropriate name - up to 16 characters.
11. Press 'OK' button - second from bottom at Right side of screen
12. Use the cursor keys at the bottom of the screen to navigate to a blank FOLDER and name the folder as necessary.
13. Navigate to a blank SONG position within the folder.
14. Press the upper 'PAGE' button (Right bottom Corner) to change to Page 2 of the SD SAVE screens. (Yellow area top Right of screen, shows active page)
15. Refer to the notes made earlier in step 5 and use the buttons at the bottom of the screen, to select/de-select the components of the song, to be saved to SD card. Pressing the Upper of each pair will select that particular component to be saved and will show 'ON'. Pressing the Lower button of the pair will de-select that component and will show 'OFF'on the screen.
16. Since it is not easy, without further operations, to determine how many of the Panel Memories ( 3BANK or ALL ) were saved, when the Floppy disc files were recorded, it is probably best to set the 'Panel Memory' component to 'ALL'. However, if it is known that only the '3BANK' option was used during the original Floppy disc recording, then '3BANK' can be selected.
17. Having selected all the file components, press the 'SAVE' button - top Right and the song will be saved to SD card.
18. When the Save process has finished, the KN7000 Display will revert to the 'Home Screen'
19. To repeat the procedure for additional songs, press the 'DISK LOAD' button and repeat from step 3. If the same Folder is being used for additional songs, then step 12 can be skipped.