Don't be confused, the memory is there to help you, and so are the
"SynthZone Gang"
The panel memories is a kind of "bookmarks" who will recall any of
the settings you make on your keyboard when push the button.
This of course if you have done and saved any personal settings, or
else the settings stored in a factorysetting or loaded style or
song will appear when use the buttons.
The ABC banks is the same memories, but added in "banks" to give
you ten rows of panelmemories in each, so instead of "only" the
ten in the buttonrow, you have ten more using the same buttons in
the next "bank" and so on. This give you 100 panelmemories to store
The copy from sequenser to composer is quite different, because now
we're speaking about recorded musicpieces or parts from a song being
copied to use in the composer, who usually is the place where the
style/pattern for autocomp is stored.
The "flash" memory, are where the downloaded updates for the keyboard
operative system is stored, but now we see that the new KN7000 will
be able to use "FlashCards" as well.
Flashcards is electronic storage medium, who instead of use the "old
fachion" way to write the data into a diskette or harddisk by use of
a "rotating plate", now write the data into a kind of "chip".
I'm very limited to explain myself due to language skills, but I'm
sure someone will fill in the gaps here.....
Kind regards
Alec\'s book , a extended manual for KN6000/6500 is a very good tool
to help KN users to get the most out of the keyboards.