To All Synthzone Non Members and more specifically Technics Forum Non Members visiting and reading Posts Here.
You are welcome to our forum as well as the other forums in the SynthZone. You are also welcome to join the Synthzone. You will note that you must be a registered member to post to the forums.
You must also be a registered member of the synthzone to receive any of the files I forward on behalf of and to our registered members.
Many people have requested the files that I do not recognize their names. I have replied to you and asked for your info and Forum posting name before sending you the files. I never hear from most of you people again.
With very few exceptions the files I send out are Technics Format for the KN Keyboards. Thes song files are the property of the people that recoreded them and gave me permission to share them with our Forum Members.
Once you have registered in the Synthzone and posted in the Technics Forum then I will know you are here and will then add you to one of my email lists at your request.
You also need to know that the 6 email lists I operate are not part of the Synthzone but complimentary to it. One of the lists is for Yamaha People.
I am looking forward to hearing from all of you that are just visitin here. Email me as soon as you are registered. Thank you and WELCOME
Best to all