Well, they charge the buyer, and whoa! I'm going to avoid Ebay like the plague.
I sold two PSR-S970's in just over a month. One had two medium sized chips broken off on side. The other had a very small chip in one corner. Both were sold with my amassed style collection.
The more damaged S970, I sold on Craigslist. I eventually sold it for $775. I had to drive 15 minutes to meet the guy at a McDonalds, but everything was smooth.
I sold the S970 in better condition on Ebay. I started the auction off at $800 + $59 shipping. It sold today, and I was delighted when I saw that the buyer paid $1038 through PayPal.
But then, I saw that there was only $918 in my bank account. The buyer in California had to pay $85 sales tax to Ebay even though I live in Illinois. Plus they took out the 3% Paypal fee. Now after 10% seller fees on the item and on shipping, I'm going to get $826. After shipping, I'll end up with about $775 net - the same as I got for the more damaged keyboard on Craigslist where I got paid cash.
I could have done better on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace - or selling here on Synthzone. Over 25% of the final sales price was eaten up by sales tax, Paypal fees, seller fees, and shipping. Holy mole!