Thank you again AJ, I really enjoyed your tutorial video especially the explanation of user styles. I am definitely interested in purchasing the ajamsonic package, one with everything as I want as all the styles and sounds that’s available. One question before I purchase, if I install the styles as per the automated zip file method will this override anything already in those user styles folders or just simply add to what’s already there ?I do currently have user styles in those folders already so I didn’t want to lose anything.
Also are all 3 packages different ? Or is there one overall package that covers everything?
Thanks AJ.
NOTHING is erased. All we do is ADD.
So - the AJAMSONIC SSD Kit adds
* 140 Pro Styles with matching Audio Drums ... etc
* 140 Pro Sounds with articulation
In addition to the above, you can now also choose to increase your collection further by adding the additional Gold Packages (1-4) which add even more realistic styles and really make your SD7 Ajamsonic shine.
Let us know.