Why I started using arrangers:
1. Easy choice to go from huge organs to light weight arrangers.
2. Price. I get a keyboard, a "band", a vocal processor, a backup singer, a mixer, a harmony machine, multiple effects, a nice display for lyrics/text, a sequencer, a karaoke machine, a digital recorder, much more...all in one inexpensive package!
3. I get to keep all the money.
4. I don't have to teach the other members of the band any new songs.
5. I don't have to worry whether the drummer runs off with the guitar player's wife
6. I don't have to check with anyone before accepting or rejecting a job.
7. Arrangers don't drink on the job. And they always show up on time. And they never bring a drunk girlfriend with them. And I don't have to worry about how they are dressed.
They gladly work on their birthday, holidays, overtime, anniversaries.
8. If I play a wrong chord change, the band follows me. Good or bad?

9. They let me belong to a very small, elite club of like-minded, good-hearted, semi-sober ARRANGER PLAYERS! HEE HEE!